Monday, 29 September 2014

Electrolysis Explained

Electrolysis - Epilation - Diathermy - Galvanic - Blend - Thermolysis      all names used for permanent hair removal techniques !

Electrolysis is the only  permanent method of hair removal.  All other methods are called permanent hair Reduction this includes IPL and Laser. Electrolysis (epilation) targets individual hairs, most commonly treatment areas are on the face and neck. There are many causes of unwanted hair growth. A detailed consultation is carried out before any treatment to confirm that it is the correct treatment for you. 
However in my experience there are a few obvious causes of unwanted hair growth:
  • Menopause
  • Inherited
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Gender reassignment
I'm sure some of you will have struggled with the magnifying mirror in a bright light to find that prickly hair on your chin !       

I have carried out electrolysis for 30 years, I am frequently asked the same questions by clients:

Does it hurt ?  Slight discomfort, it varies depending on where the hair is and your own discomfort threshold

After treatment the skin reaction? This depends on method used Blend/Galvanic reaction goes in 30 mins Diathermy the reaction can last 24hrs

Can I wear makeup after treatment ? Yes if applied over antiseptic gel

How can I treat hairs between treatments ? Hairs can be cut or shaved. Hair MUST NOT be plucked out if the hair is not visible its not treatable

How long will it take to remove the hairs permanently ? This depends on the strength of hair, level of current used, treatments carried out, skin reaction, hairs present see example below

Is it safe? Needles are sterilised and disposable.  All other equipment used is sanitised. Consultation carried out before any treatment ,you will be medically referred if considered necessary.  I am nationally and Internationally qualified and hold a professional insurance. 


Electrolysis works by placing a very fine needle down your hair follicle, where it heats the cells which produce the hair.  The cells are gradually destroyed, the hairs get finer and then stop growing.

An example of a treatment plan for Hairs on the upper lip and chin. Every individual will vary depending on hair and skin type.

This treatment plan can shorten dramatically if hairs are destroyed quickly.

4 to 6 weeks         Weekly appointments
4 to 6 weeks         Once every 2 weeks
6 to 9 weeks         Once every 3 weeks
3 months              Once a month

For a detailed consultation please contact me   Pearl Macfarlane  at The Beauty Place    01473 232353  


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Teen Tags

Skin Tags and how to lose them..............

There is no age limit up or down for skin tags.  I have removed them from teenagers and elderly gentlemen. They live in family groups or all alone. Skin tags appear in areas of friction, e.g under arms, around the neck, eyelids, bra line, waist line and brief line and occasionally some cunningly escape and appear in other areas...
Small tags can be removed instantly, larger tags will shrink become darker and then fall off within one or two days.
The perfect example here is from my 19-year-old daughter's armpit.  She will be so pleased to have shared this with you all.
 Before the lone Skin Tag                  The beautiful after arm pit

Once the tag is removed it will never return although there is a giant BUT. If you are prone to skin tags they will probably reappear after  several years.  As once they have made their home on you some will return. Much like children who go off to university I think. They will eventually return, hopefully, they will not be so unsightly, but no doubt they will be surrounded by friction.
I can not do anything about your university returnees, I can, however, banish your skin tags for many years.


Monday, 15 September 2014

Hairs & Blemishes in the wrong places ?

Having reached the age of 54 my body is exhibiting all the hairs and blemishes I have spent my working life advising and removing for clients.  Just desserts you may think :)
However, I feel I should turn this into a positive business opportunity. I have always empathised with my clients when removing Skin Tags or Red Veins, now I can be my own before and after catalogue open for viewing.

Haemangioma my neck before ! The after I carry with me......  

Having specialised in advanced electrolysis for 25 years I have gained experience in treating a wide range of blemishes and removing unwanted hair.  Since escaping from lecturing in 2011, I have been carrying out treatments at The Beauty Place.

My blog will aim to help answer your questions relating to Beauty Therapy and Advanced Electrolysis. I will be posting all the new treatments available and trying to un-complicate all the advertising speak relating to products and treatments for you.

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